Source code for asyncorm.application.commands.migrator

import argparse
import logging
import os
import textwrap

from asyncorm.application.configure import DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE, configure_orm
from asyncorm.exceptions import AsyncOrmCommandError, AsyncOrmMigrationError
from asyncorm.migrations.models import AsyncormMigrations
from asyncorm.orm_migrations.migration_constructor import MigrationConstructor

cwd = os.getcwd()

logger = logging.getLogger("asyncorm_stream")

help_text = """\
                         asyncorm migration management

    > asyncorm makemigrations

        Prepares the migration comparing the actual state
        in the database with the latest migration created

    > asyncorm migrate

        Executes the pending migrations
        you can optionally specify what app  to migrate
        > asyncorm migrate library

        or even app and what specific migration number you want to go to
        forwards and backwards
        > asyncorm migrate library 00002


[docs]class Migrator(object): MAKEMIGRATIONS = "makemigrations" MIGRATE = "migrate" DATAMIGRATION = "datamigration" SHOWMIGRATIONS = "showmigrations" ALL_APPS = ["*"] def __init__(self): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, description=textwrap.dedent(help_text) ) parser.add_argument( "command", type=str, choices=(self.MAKEMIGRATIONS, self.MIGRATE, self.DATAMIGRATION, self.SHOWMIGRATIONS), help=("makemigrations, migrate, datamigration or showmigrations"), ) parser.add_argument( "apps", type=str, nargs="?", default=self.ALL_APPS, help=("app the command will be aplied to") ) parser.add_argument("migration", type=str, nargs="?", help=("migration_name you want the app to migrate to")) parser.add_argument( "--initial", type=self.initial_parse, nargs="?", default="false", help=("Mark as initial when its the initial (first) migration for the app."), ) parser.add_argument( "--config", type=str, nargs=1, default=[DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE], help=("configuration file (defaults to asyncorm.ini in the same " "directory)"), ) self.args = parser.parse_args() self.orm = self.configure_orm() # allows multiple apps comma separated if self.args.apps != self.ALL_APPS: self.args.apps = self.args.apps.split(",") self.check_args()
[docs] @staticmethod def initial_parse(initial): if initial.lower() in ("yes", "true", "t", "y", "1"): return True elif initial.lower() in ("no", "false", "f", "n", "0"): return False else: raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError("Boolean value expected.")
[docs] def check_args(self): if self.args.apps != self.ALL_APPS: for app in self.args.apps: if app not in self.orm.apps.keys(): raise AsyncOrmCommandError('App "{}" not defined in the orm'.format(app)) if self.args.apps == self.ALL_APPS and self.args.migration is not None: raise AsyncOrmCommandError('Migration "{}" specified when the App is not'.format(self.args.migration)) if self.args.initial and self.args.command == self.MIGRATE: raise AsyncOrmCommandError('You can not migrate "initial". try "makemigrations"') if self.args.command == self.MAKEMIGRATIONS and self.args.migration is not None: raise AsyncOrmCommandError('Migration "{}" specified when "makemigrations"'.format(self.args.migration)) if self.args.command == self.DATAMIGRATION and self.args.apps == self.ALL_APPS: raise AsyncOrmCommandError("Datamigration requires an app defined") if self.args.command == self.SHOWMIGRATIONS and self.args.migration is not None: raise AsyncOrmCommandError('Migration "{}" specified when "showmigrations"'.format(self.args.migration))
[docs] def configure_orm(self): config_filename = os.path.join(cwd, self.args.config[0]) if not os.path.isfile(config_filename): raise AsyncOrmCommandError("the configuration file does not exist") return configure_orm(config=config_filename)
[docs] async def run(self): # creates the migration table if does'nt exist!! await AsyncormMigrations().objects.create_table() apps = self.args.apps if self.args.apps != self.ALL_APPS else [k for k in self.orm.apps.keys()] migration = self.args.migration != "?" and self.args.migration or None if self.args.command in (self.MAKEMIGRATIONS, self.SHOWMIGRATIONS): args = (apps,) else: args = (apps, migration) await getattr(self, self.args.command)(*args)
[docs] async def makemigrations(self, apps): """Creates the file that can be used to migrate the table from a state to the next.""""migrations for %s", apps) for app in [self.orm.apps[m] for m in apps]:'##### checking models for "%s" #####', try: _migration_status = await app._construct_migrations_status() _latest_fs_declared = _migration_status["_latest_fs_declared"] initial = self.args.initial if not initial and not _latest_fs_declared: raise AsyncOrmMigrationError( 'No migration defined in filesystem for app "{}" ' "and makemigration not marked as initial.".format( ) if initial and _latest_fs_declared: raise AsyncOrmMigrationError( "Makemigrations marked as initial where there is already an initial " "migration declared." ) file_name = app._next_fs_migration_name(stage="initial" if initial else "auto") MigrationConstructor( app._get_absolute_migration("{}.py".format(file_name)), app._get_migration_depends(), app._get_migration_actions(), initial=True, ) except AsyncOrmMigrationError: logger.exception("Migration Error")
[docs] async def migrate(self, apps, migration): """Migrates the database from an state to the next using the migration files defined.""""migrate %s %s", apps, migration if migration else "") for module in [self.orm.apps[m] for m in apps]: await module._check_current_migrations_status(migration)
[docs] async def datamigration(self, apps, migration): """ Creates an empty migration file, so the user can create their own migration.""""datamigration %s %s", apps, migration)
[docs] async def showmigrations(self, apps): """Shows the list of migrations defined in the filesystem and its status in database.""" for app in [self.orm.apps[m] for m in apps]:'%s\n Migration list for "%s" app\n%s', "~" * 50,, "-" * 50) _migration_status = await app._construct_migrations_status() for mig_name in [k for k in _migration_status.keys() if not k.startswith("_")]:" [%s] %s", "x" if _migration_status[mig_name]["migrated"] else " ", mig_name)"%s\n", "~" * 50)