Source code for asyncorm.application.configure

import asyncio
import configparser
import importlib
import inspect
import logging
import os

from import App
from asyncorm.apps.app_config import AppConfig
from asyncorm.exceptions import AsyncOrmAppError, AsyncOrmConfigError, AsyncOrmModelError, AsyncOrmModelNotDefined

logger = logging.getLogger("asyncorm")

DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE = "asyncorm.ini"

[docs]class OrmApp(object): _conf = {"apps": None, "db_config": None, "loop": asyncio.get_event_loop(), "backend": "PostgresBackend"}
[docs] def configure(self, config): """ Configures the system: get all the models declared set the database configured and add the loop Then the database backend is configured, and set to all the models previously declared and then we finish the models configurations using models_configure(): will take care of the inverse relations for foreignkeys and many2many """ self._conf.update(config) db_config = config.get("db_config", None) if not db_config: raise AsyncOrmAppError("Imposible to configure without database configuration!") db_config["loop"] = self.loop = self._conf.get("loop") database_module = importlib.import_module("asyncorm.database") # we get the backend defined in the config file backend = getattr(getattr(database_module, "backends"), self._conf["backend"]) self.db_backend = backend(db_config) app_names = self._conf.pop("apps", []) or [] self.apps = self._get_declared_apps(app_names) self.models = {} for module in self.apps.values(): self.models.update(module.models) self.models_configure()
def _get_declared_apps(self, app_names): _apps = {} app_names.append("asyncorm.migrations") for app_name in app_names: # its not required to include .app when the app is declared in that specific file_name import_str = not app_name.endswith(".app") and app_name + ".app" or app_name try: module = importlib.import_module(import_str) except ImportError: try: import_str = ".".join(import_str.split(".")[:-1]) module = importlib.import_module(import_str) except ImportError: logger.exception("unable to import %s", import_str) for _, app_config in inspect.getmembers(module): try: if issubclass(app_config, AppConfig) and app_config is not AppConfig: # the instance directory is the import_str without the file_name dir_name = ".".join(import_str.split(".")[:-1]) abs_path = os.sep.join(module.__file__.split(os.sep)[:-1]) app = App(, dir_name, abs_path, self) _apps.update({ app}) except TypeError: pass return _apps
[docs] def get_model(self, model_name): """Get the model that is defined in the ORM. :param model_name: name of the model to get :type model_name: str :raises AsyncOrmAppError: When there is no model declared :raises AsyncOrmModelError: When model_name is not in the correct format :raises AsyncOrmModelDoesNotExist: When the model does not exist :return: model requested :rtype: asyncorm.models.Model """ if len(self.models) == 1: raise AsyncOrmAppError("There are no apps declared in the orm") try: model_split = model_name.split(".") if len(model_split) == 2: return self.apps[model_split[0]].models[model_split[1]] elif len(model_split) == 1: return self.models[model_name] else: raise AsyncOrmModelError('The string declared should be in format "module.Model" or "Model"') except KeyError: raise AsyncOrmModelNotDefined("The model does not exists")
[docs] def models_configure(self): # and we set it to all the different models defined from asyncorm.models.fields import ForeignKey, ManyToManyField self.set_model_orm() for name, model in self.models.items(): vvv = model.fields.values() for f in vvv: if isinstance(f, ManyToManyField): m2m_tablename = "{}_{}".format(name, f.foreign_key).lower() other = self.get_model(f.foreign_key) other.set_many2many(f, m2m_tablename, f.foreign_key, name) model.set_many2many(f, m2m_tablename, name, f.foreign_key) elif isinstance(f, ForeignKey): other_model = self.get_model(f.foreign_key) other_model.set_reverse_foreignkey(name, f.db_column)
[docs] def set_model_orm(self): for model in self.models.values(): model.set_orm(self)
[docs] async def create_db(self): """ We create all tables for each of the declared models """ self.models_configure() for model in self.models.values(): await model().objects.set_requirements() for model in self.models.values(): await model().objects.create_table() for model in self.models.values(): await model().objects.add_fk_columns() for model in self.models.values(): await model().objects.add_m2m_columns() for model in self.models.values(): await model().objects.add_table_indices() for model in self.models.values(): await model().objects.unique_together()
[docs] def sync_db(self): self.loop.run_until_complete(asyncio.gather(self.loop.create_task(self.create_db())))
orm_app = OrmApp()
[docs]def parse_config(config_file): config_parser = configparser.ConfigParser() # check all sections exist for section in ["db_config", "orm"]: if section not in config_parser.sections(): raise AsyncOrmConfigError("the file {} does not contain {} section!".format(config_file, section)) return { "db_config": { "database": config_parser.get("db_config", "database", fallback=None), "host": config_parser.get("db_config", "host", fallback=None), "port": config_parser.get("db_config", "port", fallback=None), "user": config_parser.get("db_config", "user", fallback=None), "password": config_parser.get("db_config", "password", fallback=None), }, "apps": config_parser.get("orm", "apps").split() or [], }
[docs]def configure_orm(config=None, loop=None): """Configure the orm :param config: Configuration information that can be provided. Defaults to None, that means it will get the configuration from the .ini file in the base directory. :param config: dict :param loop: The loop your application will be working on. Defaults to None, means it will get the loop using asyncio.get_event_loop :param loop: asyncio.loop :return: orm configured :rtype: OrmApp """ # configure and return the already configured orm global orm_app if config is None: config = parse_config(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE)) elif not isinstance(config, dict): config = parse_config(config) if loop is None: loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() config.update(loop=loop) orm_app.configure(config) return orm_app
[docs]def get_model(model_name): """Wrapper around the OrmApp class method. :param model_name: name of the model to get :type model_name: str :raises AsyncOrmAppError: When there is no model declared :raises AsyncOrmModelError: When model_name is not in the correct format :raises AsyncOrmModelDoesNotExist: When the model does not exist :return: model requested :rtype: asyncorm.models.Model """ return orm_app.get_model(model_name)