Source code for asyncorm.database.backends.postgres_backend

import asyncpg

from asyncorm.database.backends.sql_base_backend import SQLBaseBackend
from asyncorm.database.cursor import Cursor
from asyncorm.database.query_stack import QueryStack

[docs]class PostgresBackend(SQLBaseBackend): """PostgresBackend serves as interface with the postgres database.""" def __init__(self, conn_data): self.test = conn_data.get("test", False) self._connection_data = conn_data self._connection = None self._pool = None async def _get_pool(self): """Get a connections pool from the database. :return: connection pool :rtype: asyncpg pool """ if not self._pool: self._pool = await asyncpg.create_pool(**self._connection_data) return self._pool
[docs] def get_sync_connection(self, loop): """Get the connection synchronously. :param loop: loop that will manage the coroutine. :type asyncio.loop: :return: the postgres connection :rtype: asyncpg.connection.Connection """ loop.run_until_complete(self._get_connection()) return self._connection
async def _get_connection(self): """Set a connection to the database. :return: Connection set :rtype: asyncpg.connection """ if self._connection is None: self._pool = await self._get_pool() self._connection = await self._pool.acquire() return self._connection
[docs] async def get_cursor(self, query, forward, stop): """Get a new cursor. :param query: Query to be constructed. :type query: dict :param forward: Next step in the cursor. :type forward: int :param stop: Last step in the cursorself. :type stop: int :return: New Cursor :rtype: Cursor """ await self._get_connection() query = self._construct_query(query) return Cursor(self._connection, query[0], values=query[1], forward=forward, stop=stop)
[docs] async def transaction_start(self): """Start the transaction.""" self._connection = await self._get_connection() self.transaction = self._connection.transaction() await self.transaction.start()
[docs] async def transaction_commit(self): """Commit the transaction.""" await self.transaction.commit()
[docs] async def transaction_rollback(self): """Rollback the transaction.""" await self.transaction.rollback()
[docs] async def request(self, query): """Send a database request inside a transaction. :param query: sql sentence :type query: str :return: asyncpg Record object :rtype: asyncpg.Record """ QueryStack.append(query) conn = await self._get_connection() if isinstance(query, (tuple, list)): if query[1]: query_result = await conn.fetchrow(query[0], *query[1]) return query_result else: query_result = await conn.fetchrow(query[0]) return query_result query_result = await conn.fetchrow(query) return query_result