Source code for asyncorm.models.field

from asyncorm.exceptions import AsyncOrmFieldError

DATE_FIELDS = ["DateField"]

    "auto_now": bool,
    "choices": (dict, tuple),
    "db_column": str,
    "db_index": bool,
    "decimal_places": int,
    "default": object,
    "dialect": str,
    "foreign_key": str,
    "max_digits": int,
    "max_length": int,
    "null": bool,
    "protocol": str,
    "reverse_field": str,
    "strftime": str,
    "unpack_protocol": str,
    "unique": bool,
    "uuid_type": str,

[docs]class Field(object): """ Base Field of AsyncOrm. Any developer defined Field should subclass Field. """ internal_type = None creation_string = None required_kwargs = [] table_name = None def __new__(cls, **kwargs): if cls.internal_type is None: raise NotImplementedError('Missing "internal_type" attribute from class definition') return super().__new__(cls) def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.validate_kwargs(kwargs) self.field_type = self.__class__.__name__ self.db_index = False for kw in kwargs.keys(): setattr(self, kw, kwargs.get(kw)) if kw == "choices": if isinstance(kwargs.get(kw), dict): self.choices = kwargs.get(kw) elif kwargs.get(kw) is None: pass else: self.choices = {k: v for k, v in kwargs.get(kw)}
[docs] def creation_query(self): """Create the field's database creation query. :return: query constructed :rtype: str """ creation_string = "{db_column} " + self.creation_string date_field = self.field_type in DATE_FIELDS if hasattr(self, "default") and self.default is not None: creation_string += " DEFAULT " default_value = self.default if callable(self.default): default_value = self.default() if isinstance(default_value, str): creation_string += "'{}'".format(default_value) elif isinstance(default_value, bool): creation_string += str(default_value) else: creation_string += "{}".format(self.sanitize_data(default_value)) elif date_field and self.auto_now: creation_string += " DEFAULT now()" creation_string += self.unique and " UNIQUE" or "" creation_string += self.null and " NULL" or " NOT NULL" return creation_string.format(**self.__dict__)
[docs] def validate_kwargs(self, kwargs): """Validate the kwargs provided. :param kwargs: Field creation kwargs :type kwargs: dict :raises AsyncOrmFieldError: If a required field is not provided or when a value provided doesn't comply to Field requirements. """ for kw in self.required_kwargs: if not kwargs.get(kw, None): raise AsyncOrmFieldError('"{cls}" field requires {kw}'.format(cls=self.__class__.__name__, kw=kw)) for k, v in kwargs.items(): null_choices = v is None and k == "choices" if not isinstance(v, KWARGS_TYPES[k]) and not null_choices: raise AsyncOrmFieldError("Wrong value for {k}".format(k=k)) if kwargs.get("db_column", ""): self.set_field_name(kwargs["db_column"])
[docs] def validate(self, value): """Validate the value. :param value: value in the field :type value: self.internal_type :raises AsyncOrmFieldError: * When a null value sent to a non nullable field. * When the value provided is not in the field choices. * When the value provided is not in the self.internal_type """ if value is None and not self.null: raise AsyncOrmFieldError("null value in NOT NULLABLE field") if hasattr(self, "choices") and self.choices is not None: if value not in self.choices.keys(): raise AsyncOrmFieldError('"{}" not in field choices'.format(value)) if value is not None and not isinstance(value, self.internal_type): raise AsyncOrmFieldError( "{value} is a wrong datatype for field {cls}".format(value=value, cls=self.__class__.__name__) )
[docs] @classmethod def recompose(cls, value): return value
[docs] def sanitize_data(self, value): """Sanitize the query before send to database.""" self.validate(value) return value
[docs] def serialize_data(self, value): """to directly serialize the data field passed""" return value
[docs] def current_state(self): state = {"field_type": "{}.{}".format(self.__class__.__dict__["__module__"], self.__class__.__name__)} state.update({arg: getattr(self, arg) for arg in self.args}) return state
[docs] def set_field_name(self, db_column): if "__" in db_column: raise AsyncOrmFieldError('db_column can not contain "__"') if db_column.startswith("_"): raise AsyncOrmFieldError('db_column can not start with "_"') if db_column.endswith("_"): raise AsyncOrmFieldError('db_column can not end with "_"') self.db_column = db_column