Source code for asyncorm.models.fields

import json
import re
from datetime import date, datetime, time
from decimal import Decimal
from json.decoder import JSONDecodeError
from uuid import UUID

from netaddr import EUI, IPNetwork, mac_bare, mac_cisco, mac_eui48, mac_pgsql, mac_unix, mac_unix_expanded
from netaddr.core import AddrFormatError

from asyncorm.exceptions import AsyncOrmFieldError
from asyncorm.models.field import Field

DATE_FIELDS = ["DateField"]

[docs]class BooleanField(Field): internal_type = bool creation_string = "boolean" args = ("choices", "db_column", "db_index", "default", "null", "unique") def __init__(self, db_column="", db_index=False, default=None, null=False, unique=False): super().__init__(db_column=db_column, db_index=db_index, default=default, null=null, unique=unique)
[docs] def sanitize_data(self, value): """method used to convert to SQL data""" if isinstance(value, bool) or value is None: return value raise AsyncOrmFieldError("not correct data for BooleanField")
[docs]class CharField(Field): internal_type = str required_kwargs = ["max_length"] creation_string = "varchar({max_length})" args = ("choices", "db_column", "db_index", "default", "max_length", "null", "unique") def __init__( self, choices=None, db_column="", db_index=False, default=None, max_length=0, null=False, unique=False ): super().__init__( choices=choices, db_column=db_column, db_index=db_index, default=default, max_length=max_length, null=null, unique=unique, )
[docs] @classmethod def recompose(cls, value): if value is not None: return value.replace(r"\;", ";").replace(r"\--", "--") return value
[docs] def sanitize_data(self, value): value = super().sanitize_data(value) if len(value) > self.max_length: raise AsyncOrmFieldError( 'The string entered is bigger than the "max_length" defined ({})'.format(self.max_length) ) return str(value)
[docs]class EmailField(CharField):
[docs] def validate(self, value): super(EmailField, self).validate(value) # now validate the emailfield here email_regex = r"^[\w][\w0-9_.+-]+@[\w0-9-]+\.[\w0-9-.]+$" if not re.match(email_regex, value): raise AsyncOrmFieldError('"{}" not a valid email address'.format(value))
[docs]class TextField(Field): internal_type = str creation_string = "text" args = ("choices", "db_column", "db_index", "default", "null", "unique") def __init__(self, choices=None, db_column="", db_index=False, default=None, null=False, unique=False): super().__init__( choices=choices, db_column=db_column, db_index=db_index, default=default, null=null, unique=unique )
# numeric fields
[docs]class NumberField(Field): pass
[docs]class IntegerField(NumberField): internal_type = int creation_string = "integer" args = ("choices", "db_column", "db_index", "default", "null", "unique") def __init__(self, choices=None, db_column="", db_index=False, default=None, null=False, unique=False): super().__init__( choices=choices, db_column=db_column, db_index=db_index, default=default, null=null, unique=unique )
[docs]class BigIntegerField(IntegerField): creation_string = "bigint"
[docs]class FloatField(NumberField): internal_type = float creation_string = "double precision" args = ("choices", "db_column", "db_index", "default", "null", "unique") def __init__(self, choices=None, db_column="", db_index=False, default=None, null=False, unique=False): super().__init__( choices=choices, db_column=db_column, db_index=db_index, default=default, null=null, unique=unique )
[docs]class DecimalField(NumberField): internal_type = (Decimal, float, int) creation_string = "decimal({max_digits},{decimal_places})" args = ("choices", "db_column", "db_index", "decimal_places", "default", "null", "unique", "max_digits") def __init__( self, choices=None, db_column="", db_index=False, decimal_places=2, default=None, max_digits=10, null=False, unique=False, ): super().__init__( choices=choices, db_column=db_column, db_index=db_index, decimal_places=decimal_places, default=default, max_digits=max_digits, null=null, unique=unique, )
# time fields
[docs]class AutoField(IntegerField): creation_string = "serial PRIMARY KEY" args = ("choices", "db_column", "db_index", "default", "null", "unique") def __init__(self, db_column="id"): super().__init__(db_column=db_column, unique=True, null=False)
[docs]class DateTimeField(Field): internal_type = datetime creation_string = "timestamp" strftime = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%s" args = ("auto_now", "choices", "db_column", "db_index", "default", "null", "strftime", "unique")
[docs] def serialize_data(self, value): return value
def __init__( self, auto_now=False, choices=None, db_column="", db_index=False, default=None, null=False, strftime=None, unique=False, ): super().__init__( auto_now=auto_now, choices=choices, db_column=db_column, db_index=db_index, default=default, null=null, strftime=strftime or self.strftime, unique=unique, )
[docs]class DateField(DateTimeField): internal_type = date creation_string = "date" args = ("auto_now", "choices", "db_column", "db_index", "default", "null", "strftime", "unique") strftime = "%Y-%m-%d"
[docs]class TimeField(DateTimeField): internal_type = time creation_string = "time" strftime = "%H:%s"
# relational fields
[docs]class ForeignKey(Field): internal_type = int required_kwargs = ["foreign_key"] creation_string = "integer references {foreign_key}" args = ("db_column", "db_index", "default", "foreign_key", "null", "unique") def __init__(self, db_column="", db_index=False, default=None, foreign_key="", null=False, unique=False): super().__init__( db_column=db_column, db_index=db_index, default=default, foreign_key=foreign_key, null=null, unique=unique )
[docs]class ManyToManyField(Field): internal_type = list, int required_kwargs = ["foreign_key"] creation_string = """ {own_model} INTEGER REFERENCES {own_model} NOT NULL, {foreign_key} INTEGER REFERENCES {foreign_key} NOT NULL """ args = ("db_column", "db_index", "default", "foreign_key", "unique") def __init__(self, db_column="", db_index=False, default=None, foreign_key=None, unique=False): super().__init__( db_column=db_column, db_index=db_index, default=default, foreign_key=foreign_key, unique=unique )
[docs] def creation_query(self): return self.creation_string.format(**self.__dict__)
[docs] def validate(self, value): if isinstance(value, list): for i in value: super().validate(i) else: super().validate(value)
# other data types
[docs]class JsonField(Field): internal_type = dict, list, str required_kwargs = ["max_length"] creation_string = "JSON" # creation_string = 'varchar({max_length})' args = ("choices", "db_column", "db_index", "default", "max_length", "null", "unique") def __init__( self, choices=None, db_column="", db_index=False, default=None, max_length=0, null=False, unique=False ): super().__init__( choices=choices, db_column=db_column, db_index=db_index, default=default, max_length=max_length, null=null, unique=unique, )
[docs] @classmethod def recompose(cls, value): return json.loads(value)
[docs] def sanitize_data(self, value): self.validate(value) if value is not None: if isinstance(value, str): try: value = json.loads(value) except JSONDecodeError: raise AsyncOrmFieldError("The data entered can not be converted to json") value = json.dumps(value) if len(value) > self.max_length: raise AsyncOrmFieldError( 'The string entered is bigger than the "max_length" defined ({})'.format(self.max_length) ) return value
[docs]class Uuid4Field(Field): internal_type = UUID args = ("db_column", "db_index", "null", "unique", "uuid_type") def __init__(self, db_column="", db_index=False, null=False, unique=True, uuid_type="v4"): self.field_requirement = 'CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS "uuid-ossp";' if uuid_type not in ["v1", "v4"]: raise AsyncOrmFieldError("{} is not a recognized type".format(uuid_type)) super().__init__( db_column=db_column, db_index=db_index, default=None, null=null, unique=unique, uuid_type=uuid_type ) @property def creation_string(self): uuid_types = {"v1": "uuid_generate_v1mc", "v4": "uuid_generate_v4"} return "UUID DEFAULT {}()".format(uuid_types[self.uuid_type])
[docs] def sanitize_data(self, value): exp = r"^[a-zA-Z0-9\-\b]{36}$" if re.match(exp, value): return value raise AsyncOrmFieldError("The expression doesn't validate as a correct {}".format(self.__class__.__name__))
[docs]class ArrayField(Field): internal_type = list creation_string = "{value_type} ARRAY" args = ("db_column", "db_index", "default", "null", "unique", "value_type") value_types = ("text", "varchar", "integer") def __init__(self, db_column="", db_index=False, default=None, null=True, unique=False, value_type="text"): super().__init__(db_column=db_column, db_index=db_index, default=default, null=null, unique=unique) self.value_type = value_type
[docs] def validate(self, value): super().validate(value) if value: items_type = self.homogeneous_type(value) if not items_type: raise AsyncOrmFieldError("Array elements are not of the same type") if items_type == list: if not all(len(item) == len(value[0]) for item in value): raise AsyncOrmFieldError("Multi-dimensional arrays must have items of the same size") return value
[docs] @staticmethod def homogeneous_type(value): iseq = iter(value) first_type = type(next(iseq)) return first_type if all(isinstance(x, first_type) for x in iseq) else False
# network fields
[docs]class GenericIPAddressField(Field): internal_type = IPNetwork creation_string = "INET" args = ("db_column", "db_index", "null", "protocol", "unique", "unpack_protocol") def __init__( self, db_column="", db_index=False, null=False, protocol="both", unique=False, unpack_protocol="same" ): if protocol.lower() not in ("both", "ipv6", "ipv4"): raise AsyncOrmFieldError('"{}" is not a recognized protocol'.format(protocol)) if unpack_protocol.lower() not in ("same", "ipv6", "ipv4"): raise AsyncOrmFieldError('"{}" is not a recognized unpack_protocol'.format(unpack_protocol)) if protocol.lower() != "both" and unpack_protocol != "same": raise AsyncOrmFieldError( "if the protocol is restricted the output will always be in the same protocol version, " 'so unpack_protocol should be default value, "same"' ) super().__init__( db_column=db_column, db_index=db_index, default=None, null=null, protocol=protocol, unique=unique, unpack_protocol=unpack_protocol, )
[docs] def validate(self, value): try: IPNetwork(value) except AddrFormatError: raise AsyncOrmFieldError("Not a correct IP address") if self.protocol.lower() != "both" and IPNetwork(value).version != int(self.protocol[-1:]): raise AsyncOrmFieldError("{} is not a correct {} IP address".format(value, self.protocol))
[docs] def recompose(self, value): if value is not None: if self.unpack_protocol != "same": value = getattr(IPNetwork(str(value)), self.unpack_protocol)() value = str(value) return value
[docs] def serialize_data(self, value): return self.recompose(value)
[docs] def sanitize_data(self, value): return value
[docs]class MACAdressField(Field): internal_type = EUI creation_string = "MACADDR" args = ("db_column", "db_index", "default", "dialect", "null", "unique") mac_dialects = { "bare": mac_bare, "cisco": mac_cisco, "eui48": mac_eui48, "pgsql": mac_pgsql, "unix": mac_unix, "unix_expanded": mac_unix_expanded, } def __init__(self, db_column="", db_index=False, default=None, dialect="unix", null=False, unique=True): if dialect not in (self.mac_dialects.keys()): raise AsyncOrmFieldError('"{}" is not a correct mac dialect'.format(dialect)) super().__init__( db_column=db_column, db_index=db_index, default=default, dialect=dialect, null=null, unique=unique )
[docs] def validate(self, value): try: EUI(value) except AddrFormatError: raise AsyncOrmFieldError("Not a correct MAC address")
[docs] def recompose(self, value): if value is not None: v = EUI(value) v.dialect = self.mac_dialects[self.dialect] return str(v) return value
[docs] def sanitize_data(self, value): return value