Usage ===== configure ~~~~~~~~~ To be able to use asyncOrm you have to provide database, the loop and the modules where the models are defined. For that we provide a **configure_orm** function that will return the already configured orm you will use on the whole application Asyncorm can be configured like this, using a simple dictionary and so passing forward the data needed. .. code-block:: python from asyncorm import configure_orm db_config = { 'database': 'sanic_example', 'host': 'localhost', 'port': '5432', 'user': 'ormdbuser', 'password': 'ormDbPass', } configure_orm({ 'loop': loop, # always use the whole application loop! 'db_config': db_config, 'apps': ['library', ], # list of apps }) But it is recomended to use the .ini approach, so if you dont pass the configuration as a dictionary it will expect it to be the absolute path to the .ini file that contents that data, the reason for that .ini file. If None is provided then will default to same directory and "asyncorm.ini". .. code-block:: python from asyncorm import configure_orm configure_orm('/path/to/asyncorm.ini') **AsyncOrm should be configured once and only once in every project**, and preferibly before everything really starts. Also make sure that the async loop is be the same your application uses. Thats all! As you can see its very simple to configure asyncOrm, as long as you provide the needed information, asyncOrm will take care of inspecting the modules and detect all the models declared inside them. So you can then retrieve them both with direct imports or using the provided convenience **get_model** function (recomended): .. code-block:: python from asyncorm import get_model Book = get_model('Book') # or Author = get_model('app.Author') Understand that all the magic on the ORM is made behind scenes, in fact that function is just a wrapper around the method existent in the ORM. Most of the times you will not need to act on the ORM after the basic configuration. Please find the `full example`_ for sanic that you will find in the repository, so you can see how easy it is to work with asyncOrm. .. _`full example`: create tables ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Once **asyncOrm** is configured you can create all the tables for the defined models in different apps declared in the configuration. We are planing to create a migration system so its possible to migrate the different database states. To create all the tables: .. code-block:: python # use the orm_app obtained in the previous configure_orm command orm_app.sync_db()